Children in Kenya Need Help
My beloved friends,
I have attached photographs of the children I am currently choosing to support in all the ways they need it. I had always intended to be the source of nurture and love for children in Africa, but it all started synchronistically.
Neale was giving a talk on his latest book, "Tomorrow's God" somewhere in the US. I am told that at the end, lovely Nancy Seymour stood up and said something about me and my intentions for Africa. My best friend Suki from Kenya who happened to be at the same talk almost jumped out of her seat with shock at hearing about me from across the seas and later seeked out Nancy for a chat. A third woman, Julie had just lost her job and made the intention to come to Africa and find out how she could work for children. Nancy's words were like a sign from God that she was making the right choice.
All three got together with the result that my friend Suki and Julie became friends, and Julie got onto the next flight to Kenya, met me, and inspired me to visit several slums with destitute children.
One particular group of children moved us. There were 60 children in a shack which acted as a classroom.

Their ages ranged from 3 to 15. Most of the children looked cold, weak and hungry. There was a large pan outside the shack which was used to cook their daily ration of porridge. I could tell that for many of them, this was the only meal they had to look forward to. A little boy of three looked traumatised and bewildered. He had just lost his mother and was living with a drunkard father. (And I'd thought I was grieving for the loss of my mother a few months earlier - his knocked me out of it!) Some girls of 12 to 14 had been abused by men who had enticed them with food and shelter. Most of these children were orphans living with relatives or with the man that had started this school - Moses. My eyes were tearing and I was sick at heart as we left.

I swore to myself there and then that I would do whatever it took to ensure that these children got fed and clothed. I couldn't stand eating while knowing these children couldn't get a square meal in a day. That was in April this year, and I am glad to say that since then, friends of mine and I have been able to buy them maize, beans, rice, beans, maize flour, cooking oil, firewood and vegetables every month. We've also managed to buy them uniforms. Apparently this gives them a sense of respect, purpose and belonging. Otherwise, we are told that they can easily be run over or abused by careless drivers and people who have no regard for homeless or "street" children. The direct result of this was that they got some teachers to volunteer, and had more kids joining, so the numbers have since grown to 85, about 15 of whom live with Moses.
The school since moved to a slightly bigger shack made of wood, but it gets cold in our Kenyan winter in June and July. We have therefore decided to build them a larger shelter and subdivide it into separate classrooms.

As you may know by now, feeding the children is a commitment which cannot be sustained by keeping on going to the same friends, unless they too are committed. So I am registering an organization so that we can better solicit for funds, but that too is a cost I am having to put off for now.
What we are doing is just the beginning. Millions of children are in the same situation as these ones because of AIDS, poverty and a general sense of despair. My beloved friends, I feel called, for we are in the space to heal the space. I dedicate myself to the children of Africa who most need nurturing. Of course, it's not enough to feed, shelter and clothe these souls, but it is something. We have big plans and the Universe will support us in great ways. For a start, I feel blessed to just share this with you, to sense your love and support. Know that no drop of love is ever lost or wasted.
Currently, we need about $300 to feed these children. It will cost close to $4,000 (or 2,000 Sterling) to build them a shelter and buy books, chairs and desks. If anyone feels they can give anything towards this, please get in touch with Toni Hadlee who offered to help me raise the latter. If any of you feel moved to donate on a regular basis, that will be so greatly appreciated. I still have to open an official account, but that will happen after registration. For now I will use my personal bank account.
Thank you for being here.