Friday, March 10, 2006

Want to be a Health Care Volunteer?

Dear Health Care Volunteer or Organization,

If you are a health care volunteer looking for opportunities or an organization looking for volunteers:

HealthCare Volunteer was started January 1, 2006 by an American dental and medical student, who realized the need for a FREE non-profit portal that connects health professionals to volunteering opportunities globally. This site is backed by leading physicians and executives and aims to allow physicians, dentists and all other health care professionals to provide volunteer health care anywhere in the world. Please visit our page and search for opportunities or post a volunteering opportunity.

Services Launched Recently: HealthCare Cal – Global Volunteering Calendar & HealthCare Forum – Forums to connect with volunteers and organizations.

New Services Coming Soon: Resources for health care volunteers trying to start new volunteering organizations and a personal page for each volunteering organization registered with us (including photos and optional online application submittal) and much more!

We already have every country, U.S. medical, dental, nursing, optometry and veterinarian school listed on our site so that all organizations regardless of country or school can list their volunteering opportunities. We have added a feature for all other country’s schools to add their school to our site as well.

Thank you, Team
